Cockroach Control service in Dhaka Bangladesh
Cockroach Control service in Dhaka Bangladesh 2022-06-25T06:31:40+00:00

Get Rid Of Cockroach Control in Dhaka Bangladesh

Cockroaches are making your life like hell? Are you fed up dealing with cockroaches?  Be ready to get rid of them! For good. But how? Call us and we will send our expert cockroach control in Dhaka Bangladesh team within an hour to solve your problem so that you can have peaceful time to spend with your family.

About the Cockroach Control in Bangladesh

Hiring an expert cockroach control service in Bangladesh team for diminishing cockroaches may seem expensive but if those little tiny cockroaches are snatching the peace of your life, trust is, it’s time to call a professional team like us. You will be happy and thankful to yourself for calling us sooner rather than later.

One or two cockroaches are common in our houses but if there is a great number of cockroaches running from here to there on the floor, that is really disgusting and disturbing. Especially when you know that they are dangerous for your health and family members.

If you can handle these cockroaches on your own, then you are lucky but as a matter of fact, you may want to know that cockroaches are not that easy to deal with.

Moreover, in most cases, one or two cockroaches are proof  that there are more (maybe huge in number) hiding around your house. You might even have a hidden cockroach infestation because of them.

Do You Need A Professional cockroach control in Dhaka?

Read the following points which are the  signs that usually mean it’s time to call a professional team to remove cockroaches.

  • A gross stinky smell
  • Dead cockroaches here and there.
  • Cockroach droppings found randomly on the floor.
  • Eaten papers.

You might be thinking again and again to make the call for professional cockroach control in Dhaka Bangladesh but when cockroaches are creating hazards in life, you must get serious about killing them on time.

It is the best decision you can make to get rid of an infestation before it’s too late. The sooner you call for our help, the sooner you will get rid of the cockroaches and the less costly it will be.

What Treatment We Do On Cockroaches Control Service in Bangladesh?

The type of procedure and treatment varies depending on the house and the type of cockroach problem which has arisen.

Different cockroaches need different approaches but there are some basic techniques that our professional cockroach control service team uses to kill cockroaches.

Basics Procedure Cockroaches Control Service in Bangladesh

  1. We search and check the kitchen, bathroom, cabinets and Almira’s, each and every corner of your house step-by-Step
  2. We use glue based traps to make a guess about how many cockroaches may be there and where they are living mostly.
  3. We use gel baits to kill cockroaches to diminish their existence.
  4. For outdoor cockroaches, we use spray or baits

In some cases, we provide a follow-up treatment for some days.

We generally start our service from the kitchen because it is the most comfortable place for cockroach control in Dhaka Bangladesh. This is where food and water both are within easy reach.

How Long Does it Take?

A very common query we face from our customers is about the disruption it can cause. Also customers ask us about how long is all of this going to take?

The average time our service takes is about 120 minutes. However, it can take a bit more time with certain cockroach species, and if the infestation is hugely spreaded or the source of infestation is difficult to access.

We will suggest you manage a few hours to answer our questions to help us in this process. And to give us access to different parts of your home for these hours only. Thus we can ensure the best service which you expect from us.

Is It Going To Make My House Messy And Dirty?

To be honest, yes, it is going to be a bit messy. And during the process, it may produce some dirt which may make your house dirty.

But don’t worry. Because we have a solution for that too! We will clean your house after we finish the cockroach control process. You will be able to stay home during the whole time. And watch out our professional cockroach control treatments.

What You Have to Do?

You will have to be more careful if you have children in the house, as there can be some chemicals which should be kept away from children and can be proved dangerous for them. Some pesticides may fall on floors or other areas of your house where children can reach. We will show you what chemicals we are using and when it is safe for children to play freely again.

You have to be ready to see dead cockroaches here and there around the house. Some of the cockroaches might be seen dead on the floors. Wherever you will see any dead cockroaches, it is a sign that the cockroach control service is showing its magic!

Your Queries And Concerns

Are you worried about the chemicals and pesticides we use? If yes, then you are free to ask us anything about your wants. About our products and equipment or any other queries are welcomed. To assure you, we offer only eco-friendly products. You can ask for the labels to see the specific ingredients we use.

Guarantees of Cockroach Control Service in Dhaka

We offer guarantee of our service. We promise to take care of your house the way you want from us.

If the first treatment is not satisfactory, you can call us again. We will work hard for your satisfaction and to protect you from the dangerous cockroaches.

We are open to our client’s needs and requirements. We are ready to make adjustments to our methods if necessary according to your requirements.

We will educate you about the details of what might have caused the infestation and how to keep cockroaches  away from your house in the future.

Cost of our service

We provide our service in a reasonable price range depending on the size and number of rooms of your house. We will let you know the estimated time and costing before beginning the work.


Cockroaches are the unwanted guests of our house. These tiny creatures create disturbance and health related issues. They snatch away our peace. To get rid of them forever, call us. Our cockroach control in Dhaka Bangladesh will help you to get rid of them as soon as possible.



এমন কোন শরীর নেই বিশ্বে যা তেলাপোকা দ্বারা আক্রান্ত হয় নি। বিশ্বে অনেক ধরনের তেলাপোকা রয়েছে এর মধ্যে চার এবং পাঁচ ধরনের তেলাপোকা সবচেয়ে বেশি দেখা যায়। এদের মধ্যে আমেরিকান তেলাপোকা, জার্মান তেলাপোকা, প্রাচ্যের তেলাপোকা এবং বাদামী বর্নের তেলাপোকা উল্লেখযোগ্য।

তেলাপোকা শুধুই একটি পোকা নয়। এটি মানুষের স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য খুবই ক্ষতিকর। সে সমস্ত রোগ গুলো নিম্নে দেওয়া হলো-

  • ডাইরিয়া
  • আমাশয়
  • কলেরা
  • কুষ্ঠব্যধি
  • প্লেগ
  • জ্বর বিকার
  • ভাইরাল রোগ এমন, যেমন শিশু ব্যধিবিশেষ।

তাই তেলাপোকার সাথে বসবাস করবেন না। যখন আপনি তেলাপোকা দ্বারা আক্রান্ত হবেন, অনুগ্রহ করে তেলাপোকা দমনের জন্য ক্লীন হার্ট পেষ্ট কন্ট্রোলকে কল করুন। আমরা ১০০% গ্যারান্টির সঙ্গে তেলাপোকা নিয়ন্তন পরিসেবা প্রদান করে থাকি এবং ক্লীন হার্ট পেষ্ট কন্ট্রোল যে ক্যামিকেল ব্যবহার করে তাতে কোন প্রকার গন্ধ নাই। যার সুবিধা হলো আপনাকে আপনার বাসা-বাড়ী থেকে দুরে যেতে হবে না। আমরা বাংলাদেশের যে কোন জায়গায় তেলাপোকা দমন সংক্রান্ত সেবা দিয়ে থাকি।

CLEAN HEART ( টোটাল ক্লীনিং & পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস) বাংলাদেশ সরকার অনুমোদিত একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান, সকল প্রকার ক্লীনিং ও পেস্টকন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস পেতে আপনর একটি ফোন কলই যথেষ্ট, ধন্যবাদ। কলঃ 01916225588, 01710955188