Sofa Cleaning Service in Dhaka
Sofa Cleaning Service in Dhaka 2023-04-02T14:28:44+00:00

Best Sofa cleaning service in Dhaka within affordable price

About Sofa Cleaning Service in Dhaka

Home is where you can sit on a sofa and can relax. Sofas are very beautiful and comfortable till it is clean, tidy and relaxing. Can you think of relaxing comfortably lying on a dirty sofa? No, right? We can help you to clean your sofa the way you want with our perfect sofa cleaning service in Dhaka.

Cleanliness Protects the Health

We use sofas in our daily life but don’t clean them regularly. But uncleaned sofas contain bacteria, fungus and viruses. Environmental dust and stain caused by many reasons feed these germs and help them to grow.

Clean Sofas Makes Environment Fragrant

To avoid diseases, sofas should be cleaned thrice a year to keep the environment healthy. Otherwise stinky and bad smell can create unhealthy atmosphere

Clean, beautiful & bright sofas increases beauty of your home

We clean and dispel all strains and every spot from the sofa and give it a bright and fresh new look. We follow the proper way of cleaning the sofa. Our expert team is aware of all methods and procedures. We use good equipment and harmless chemicals.

While cleaning your sofa, we will use appropriate tools depending on the kind of fabric or material used in the sofa. Your sofa will be safe with us. We work very carefully and with full concentration so that no harm is created.

We Follow Some Method of Sofa Cleaning Service Depending On the Types of Sofas

Cleaning method is not the same for all types of sofas. We select the cleaning method after seeing the materials used.

Bonnet, Shampoo, Dry foam carpet cleaning, vacuum wash, Encapsulation, Dry-cleaning, Hot water extraction these are the methods we use commonly.

Cleaning Procedure for The Sofas Made With Fabric

  1. Our UV treatment will remove all the germs and allergens from your sofa.
  2. Super quality dust extraction will not leave any dust on your sofa.
  3. We use qualityful shampoo which is good for fabric made sofa and moisture for deep cleaning and fast drying purposes.
  4. We use modern machines and tools to clean the sofas.

Cleaning Procedure for the Sofas Made With Leather

  1. Vacuum and other machines to remove dust.
  2. To remove all the spots and strains, we use water-based cleaners.
  3. We use leather conditioners to give the sofas a fresh look and increase the shine.

Steam Cleaning Procedure for Sofa

If we see that the chair or sofa is suitable for a water-based cleaning process and there will be no risk of color run or shrinkage, we use modern machinery and environment friendly Chemicals to give new brightness to the old chair or sofa cleaning service in bd.

We use a vacuum cleaner to clear up the pile and remove debris from the surface.

Then we spray it with a cleaning substance suited to the type of staining. We clean the furniture and suction the extra water with dirt. We select cleaner depending on the fabric and the other observable factors..

Dry Cleaning Procedure for Sofa

If you know that you don’t want a water-based cleaning, share your thoughts with us. When you hire us, you can give us instructions as per your choice.

We provide dry cleaning service for your sofa to save it from water. Our cleaning workers will provide you the best Sofa deep cleaning service in Dhaka.

Our very professional team is expert in  repairing and cleaning sofa, sealing, honing, diamond grinding, color enhancing, stain and scratch removal, sofa and upholstery cleaning, carpet and, dining chair cleaning, fabrics change, polishing & re-polishing.

Careful Observation of Sofa cleaning service in Dhaka

We use very less chemicals and use fabric friendly chemicals. You don’t have to leave the house while cleaning. We use vacuum with suction power and use a deep clean method.

Our expert team sincerely observes your sofa to judge the fabrics used, construction, structure, material and fillers. So that we can choose the right cleaning method as well as select which products to use.

We detect the stains and spots carefully and remove them using the appropriate chemical.

We identify the Fabric and then select the cleaning procedure. Our Professional team has good knowledge of fabric. We know which chemical should be used and which chemical should not be used.


Our Cleaners are well trained and cleaning expert BD in this field of sofa cleaning service in Dhaka. We use equipment which is imported for the best outcome and environment friendly chemicals keeping customers satisfaction in mind.

We provide the best service at an affordable price.. Our cleaners are certified cleaners. They are trusted and have no bad history.

বর্তমান সময়ে বসার জন্য সাধারনভাবে সোফা ব্যাবহার করা হয়। কফি বা তরলজাতীয় কিছু দুর্ঘটনাক্রমে সোফার উপরে পড়ে গেলে এটি নোংরা হয়ে যায়। শুধু কফি নয়, খাবার বা যেকোন কিছু আপনার সোফাকে নোংরা করতে পারে যা সুখকর কিছু নয়। বিভিন্ন ধরনের সোফা আছে এবং তাদের প্রতিটির নিজস্ব পরিস্কার পদ্ধতি আছে। সুতরাং, সাধারন লোকেদের জন্য সোফা পরিষ্কার করা সহজ নয়


ক্লিন হার্ট সোফা পরিষ্কার…… সেবা বাংলাদেশের একটি সুপরিচিত নাম। তারা সহজেই আপনার বাড়ি অথবা অফিসের সোফাগুলি পরিষ্কার করবে। ক্লিন হার্টের স্টাফগণ অত্যাধুনিক পরিস্কার যন্ত্রপাতি ব্যবহার করে। আপনার সোফা একবার আবার নতুনের মত দেখাবে।

CLEAN HEART ( টোটাল ক্লীনিং & পেস্ট কন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস) বাংলাদেশ সরকার অনুমোদিত একটি প্রতিষ্ঠান, সকল প্রকার ক্লীনিং ও পেস্টকন্ট্রোল সার্ভিস পেতে আপনর একটি ফোন কলই যথেষ্ট, ধন্যবাদ। কলঃ 01916225588, 01710955188